
Ceòlas is a music and dance summer school featuring expert tuition in piping, fiddling, singing, Scotch reels and Quadrilles, step dancing and the Gaelic language. It is set within the Gaelic-speaking community of South Uist. Ceòlas explores the vital connections between Scottish traditional music, Gaelic song and dance while allowing ample opportunity for participants to enjoy all these art forms in cèilidhs and in homes, the places which fostered them.

Though focusing on Hebridean tradition, Ceòlas also has a strong Cape Breton dimension. Gaelic culture taken to Cape Breton (Nova Scotia, Canada) by emigrants from the Gaidhealtachd nearly 200 years ago survived there in relative isolation. Now, Ceòlas provides a unique opportunity to bring it all ‘back home'. Celebration of cultural links between music, song and dance, and across the Atlantic, is the School's hallmark.
